"What the hell is going on? I am attached to a big keychain of that lady that smokes too much. She seems to be nice and she pats me a lot but her fingers stink of nicotine. I am a donkey anyway, shouldn't I be in the mountains chasing goats or something?"
I asked robot if it makes any sense to print out an email and hand it to somebody instead of just forwarding it with your *computer*. He was totally positive about that.
Again, this is way larger on my writing pad. A chess figure that thinks about chess. I tried to give it a 3D effect with the shadow. I think that did impress my boss.
Actually this is my first sketch people asked questions about. Like "Are you still sane?". If you have a close look you can see that the tank is shooting hearts
On a sunny morning a salesman tried to explain why we do not have enough licenses and that we have to buy more. Bee said "Bzz!" but my boss did not accept this as an answer. "It is not Bees field of duty, it is yours" he said.
If THE BLOB in the movie THE BLOB would be three cornered, it would look this this. "A triangular blob! No, a trob! A triob! It's T-R-I-O-B-U-L-A-R!" I like neurologisms.